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League Bulletin

January 12, 2018

Your weekly Bulletin of governmental and advocacy news for North Carolina cities and towns has arrived, and here's what you'll find this week: the General Assembly returns for a brief session; a legislative committee discusses local economic tiers;  the Census Bureau schedules workshops of interest to local governments​; congressional districts get another shakeup; a Jacksonville city leader joins a national committee; ​​and our podcast checks out the "sharing economy." But first, a quick explanation for why the B​ulletin looks so different this week. Read on for more. 

Welcome to a new look and feel to your weekly bulletin of governmental and advocacy news from the League -- the League Bulletin, 从现在开始我们就这么叫它. But more important is why: it coincides with a totally revamped League website, launched this week at astreid.com为全新的、更好的用户体验而从头开始重建. 我们很期待你能去探索新事物, where you can find 过期的《周报 以及丰富而清晰的其他365足彩下载内容, services, event listings, 机会多与友善, 易于导航的设计和流程. You may expect additional tweaks and alterations to this newsletter as we continue to adjust and improve our user experiences, but with a continued core focus on the news and updates of importance to cities and towns that you expect week to week. Contact: Ben Brown

The full General Assembly returned to Raleigh this week for another brief session, though with little on the agenda of direct significance for cities and towns as of the time of this writing. However, the 伯灵顿市及其领导受到表彰 in both the House and Senate for the city's 125th year of incorporation, with remarks led by Sen. Rick Gunn​ and Rep. Stephen Ross他们在联合国大会上代表该市. 伯灵顿市长伊恩·巴尔图蒂斯说, City Manager Hardin Watkins, Clerk Renee Ward and Public Information Officer Rachel Kelly were in the chambers' galleries to receive the honor. 

As for regular business, the standout conversations among lawmakers fell on topics like judicial redistricting and water contamination, the latter stemming from the GenX controversy that has impacted communities in the state's southeast. Republican lawmakers have been exploring changes to how judges are put in office, 虽然立法院 据报道有不同的想法to that end. 同时,威尔明顿的媒体 是否报告了其他差异 between chambers over a proposed bill to fund equipment and staff to address emerging water contaminants. 这些和其他的谈话在各个立法委员会进行, 实质性的法案审查和制定在哪里进行, 包括联合立法、经济发展和全球参与, or EDGE, Committee, which on Thursday began renewed scrutiny of the state's local economic tier system. (More below.)  

立法者们正在推动该州的经济发展 tier system under a microscope again, having kicked off a series of interim meetings 周四,他们讨论了如何衡量经济困境. In a series of presentations to the Joint Legislative Economic 发展和全球参与监督委员会, non-partisan legislative staffers offered an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the current tier system. 最后,委员会联席主席 Sen. Harry Brown 强烈地表现出他的欲望 for the EDGE Committee to propose reforms to the system, stating that a lot had 自30年前该制度实施以来,北卡罗来纳州发生了很大的变化. In 在发表上述言论时,布朗参议员承认改变一项政策存在困难 long-entrenched formula. 

In their analysis of the current formula for measuring economic distress, staff members first encouraged 立法者要制定一个明确的政策目标,如何使用这个公式. Then, 工作人员说,立法者可以选择最好的经济指标 为实现政策目标而使用的压力. 目前,有十几个州 这些计划利用等级系统排名作为经济困境的代表, 包括旨在减轻这种痛苦的拨款项目. Of importance to cities, the staff presentation broke down the current tier system 将公式转化为衡量居民经济困境的指标——比如中位数 家庭收入和失业率——与当地的衡量标准 政府自身应对困境的能力,例如其财产 valuation and tax capacity. 当他们审查这个问题时,立法者可能会 看看改变公式给地方政府税收的权重 capacity. 

The League's membership supports 对分级系统的修订,将测量更紧密地集中在 causes of economic distress. 查看并听取员工对此的介绍 topic on EDGE委员会的网站. The 网站还包含EDGE收到的其他材料和信息 Committee on Thursday, including a staff analysis of all the state-level economic 2013年至今的激励奖励. EDGE委员会将继续开会 monthly leading up to the General Assembly's short-session in May, and the committee 可否建议立法供两院在会期审议. Contact: Erin Wynia
2018年的候选人申请期即将到来, federal judges this week told the General Assembly that the congressional districts it adopted in 2016 是否违宪,需要重新绘制. 这个由三名法官组成的小组要求议员们在1月6日之前做出决定. 修改13个选区的地图, seeing the current layout as unconstitutional and created for partisan advantage, which became the subject of lawsuits after the legislature adopted the districts in a special session in 2016. "It throws a new wrinkle and more uncertainty into the 2018 election cycle in North Carolina a month before candidates were scheduled to file for office," writes the News & Observer. The Associated Press reports​ that the court could also appoint a special master to draw new maps independently. 2018年的候选人申报期定于2月8日开始. 12. ​According to media outlets, the state's Republican leaders will fight the ruling and seek a delay to the deadline.

It's a new year for Municipal Equation这是365足彩下载关于城镇在面对变化时如何适应的播客. And our first episode of 2018 从新年前夜的一个问题开始, 喝完午夜香槟后——你是坐优步还是Lyft回家的? 在你回来的路上,你有没有想过,这趟旅程对城市政策意味着什么? Probably not as such, sure, but you've likely heard or been a part of the conversation about cities regulating the elements of the sharing economy, like ridesharing (Uber; Lyft) or homesharing (Airbnb; VRBO). 不过,这只是谈话的一个方面. The sharing economy is expansive and is moving or upending so many parts of the marketplace that it's impossible for cities and their governments not to consider the ramifications. On this episode, we talk with Brooks Rainwater of the National League of Cities to go over where city governments are with the sharing economy and actions they're taking to come to terms, and even leverage it. Municipal Equation comes out every other week and is available via free subscription on iTunes, Google Play,或任何播客收听应用程序. 如果你喜欢我们的播客, please consider leaving a friendly written review on iTunes or simply tapping the five-star rating. Visit for past episodes. Contact: Ben Brown​

The Census Bureau is conducting Boundary and Annexation Survey workshops in three locations across North Carolina next month: Wilmington, Feb. 12; Durham, Feb. 13; and Charlotte, Feb. 14. The workshops will provide an overview of the 2020 Census Geographic Partnership Programs, the 2018 BAS, and demonstrations for creating a digital and paper response for completing the BAS. 如需注册,请通过电子邮件回复您的姓名, phone number, 车间位置和BAS参与方式类型 ​请在2月5日前回复[插入城市,州]BAS研讨会.

杰克逊维尔市议会议员Angelia J. 华盛顿已经加入了全国城市365足彩下载的种族委员会, Equity and Leadership, 根据市政府发布的新闻稿. 这项任命是在去年11月NLC的城市峰会上做出的, and it follows her previous service on the organizatoin's Human Development Committee, most recently as vice-chair. The new appointment "allows me to collaborate with municipal leaders across America in garnering support from Congress in establishing the 13th Amendment as a national holiday,理事会成员华盛顿说, 废除奴隶制的修正案. "Advocacy for our nation’s citizens further supports action by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention to address violence among young African American males, 改善弱势学生的教育成果, 结束平民的无家可归, veterans, and immigrants."
