


的 filing of legislative proposals continued this week. 以下几点值得注意:

-SB 100 Police Funding Protection Act - A proposal that could affect state funding for local governments. 该法案的扩展标题解释说,市县减少执法人员或执法机构的资金“超过任何财政年度拨给所有其他市县雇员或部门的资金的百分之一”, 或两个, shall receive a corresponding reduction in state revenue…." Eyeing the conversation of “defunding" police, this bill received attention from WRAL News this week.

-HB 119 财产 Tax Relief for COVID Affected Businesses -如果符合条件的业主能够证明疫情对业务造成了法案中规定的具体损害,则允许延迟纳税. 它还要求评估人员“认识到新型冠状病毒肺炎救援工作的影响,以便确定因法律允许的财产使用变化而导致的财产价值。." 

-SB 31 Political Subdivisions/Local Bidders Notice - We pointed out the filing of this bill in last week's Bulletin. This week it received substantive amendments in committee, and these were changes the League supported. T在这里's room for improvement, which we're working on. 一般, 该法案将规定,该州的政治分支机构必须通过邮件或电子通知其范围内的个人或企业,预计需要50美元的支出,000 or more being let for bid by the political subdivision. 根据现行法律, 招标公告在报纸和/或电子公告上刊登. 

-HB 62 Gov. Immigration Compliance/Enjoin Ordinances -这份账单, similar to others before it, 是否会授权对采取所谓“庇护城市”政策的地方政府实施禁令救济, ordinances or procedures in violation of state law. This bill is scheduled for a no-vote committee hearing on Tuesday. 

-HB 7 Protect City Employees from Retaliation -这个, 规定“各城市应制定规章制度,鼓励其雇员举报不当或非法活动,并要求各城市保护举报此类活动的雇员免遭报复或其他歧视行为。," is expected in the House Local Government Committee next week. 

​What will the substantial delays in U.S. 人口普查数据和重新划分要求意味着您的市政当局和地方选举定于2021年举行? 选举会被推迟吗?? 请于2月11日星期四加入我们. 下午2点25分.m. for another session of Advancing 365体育足彩, the League's virtual meeting format covering all things advocacy, 回答这些问题,以及更多与人口普查对即将到来的市政选举的影响有关的问题. Mapfigure 咨询的Blake Esselstyn和Caroline Mackie将加入我们, an attorney with Poynter Spruill, 为您提供一些有关人口普查数据延迟造成的选举相关问题的专家观点. 要注册,只需点击 在这里. And as always, Advancing 365体育足彩 is free of charge. 希望能在那里见到你!

N.C. League of Municipalities is proud to host the annual 小镇 & State Social: A Virtual 小镇 Hall Connecting Legislators and Local Leaders on Wednesday, March 3 at 5 p.m., this time presented in a virtual format.

Join us for this special evening to celebrate our cities and towns, and to discuss the most critical topics facing our local governments. 这是我们地方领导人和州议员见面的宝贵机会, 交互, 听取彼此对我们的城镇所面临的紧迫问题的意见.

The event will include policy updates from numerous legislative leaders, town hall sessions between state and local officials, 以及旨在在我们进入2021-22立法两年期之际加强关系的交流机会. We will also be exploring NCLM's Municipal 立法 Goals, 被你收养, 我们的地方领导人, and look at how they intersect with the challenges facing your city or town.

This won't be just another Zoom meeting. Be ready for an engaging evening, full of entertaining and valuable segments that, 晚上结束时, will help us in “Working As One, 推进所有." 

点击: Information and registration.

365足彩下载将通过其“推进市政领导人”项目举办网络研讨会,帮助成员了解由地方政府委员会(LGC)和州水利基础设施管理局(SWIA)实施的困境公用事业指定。. 陷入困境的公用事业:对市政当局意味着什么将于3月2日至11日发布.m. (通过缩放). 来自环境质量部的Kim Colson和LGC的Sharon Edmundson将介绍更多关于不良公用事业的信息. 可以注册 在这里.

州政府本周宣布,已向34个地方政府拨款近2700万美元,“以应对COVID - 19对公共卫生的不利影响…….这些资金来自社区发展整体资助冠状病毒项目,主要用于防止驱逐和公用事业中断. “我们的社区需要帮助从大流行中恢复过来,这些资金将有助于满足他们的一些迫切需求,州长说。. 罗伊•库珀. 请参阅受助人名单.

​Twelve grant requests from local governments totaling $4.6 million have won approval from the state Rural Infrastructure Authority. They come with commitments to create 439 jobs, with more than $60 million in related private investment expected. “广泛的经济复苏需要对北卡罗莱纳州农村社区进行投资, and that is what these grants will do,“政府. 罗伊•库珀 said in a press release. “These grants will help counties and towns with water, 下水道和建筑,以帮助他们现有的小企业和居民,并吸引更多的高薪工作." See the full list of grantees and projects.

The League is devastated over the loss of Kelli Kukura, 亲爱的朋友, 她曾担任该组织的学习和发展战略家,早先曾在其政府事务部发挥核心作用. Kelli passed away on Wednesday after a prolonged battle with cancer. 

她的丈夫, 约翰, 她在社交媒体上发表了以下评论:“我们可爱的凯莉·库库拉在今天下午三点刚过的时候去世了,她很优雅,很平静. 我们内心破碎. But we know the overwhelming love for those she loved will always live on. One request: tell someone you love, that very sentiment this evening.

"We will share details about an end of life celebration soon.

“Thank you, Kelli, for showing us how to live. We will be forever grateful for your incredible and loving heart."

A GoFundMe页面 has been created to benefit her family. 

As 在筹款页面上,凯莉解释说:“6 +之后 多年的转移性乳腺癌,16次不同的化疗,大量的放疗和 surgeries, my body has 决定d it has had enough. 很高兴我不用这么做 决定.

“所以现在只有两个目标:1. 格蕾丝和2. 平静.

“I truly could not ask for things to be going any better than they are. 上帝拥有我.

“我的灵魂一切安好. 现在我唯一的要求就是给我可爱的家人一个额外的拥抱. I am overwhelmed with their blessings.


凯莉是365足彩下载和她服务的其他组织中受人爱戴的一员. Her time with the League began in 2008, 他在杜邦公司担任了12年的公共和政府事务职务. 她成为共青团政府事务主任,并帮助成立了该组织的第一个政府事务部门. 她负责监督组织的大量编程和功能添加, and did so with good team morale.

凯莉生活的目的是消除通往更大幸福和未来可能性的障碍,保罗·迈耶说, NCLM 执行董事 and longtime friend of Kelli. They worked side by side in the Government Affairs Department. "She had an innate ability to unpack a tangled up mess, and build a path to beneficial outcomes for all involved. 她对生活的热情和正能量的记忆将继续激励我们学习和成长, so we can become the best versions of ourselves. 我们会想念她的."

Kelli moved on to Duke Energy as its Director of Government Affairs in 2013, 在重新加入365足彩下载担任学习和发展战略师之前,他在该职位上工作了六年多. 

We will remember Kelli for her kindness, hard work and many achievements. 在这个非常困难的时刻,我们的心和凯莉的家人和朋友在一起.