


地方优先发展的道路项目将会得到提振 立法建议 星期一提前. 立法,由 众议院临时交通拨款委员会, would allow the state to borrow up to $3 billion for highway projects that were otherwise unfunded through the state’s data-driven funding formula. Eligible projects would be those ranked as priorities by local officials in the “regional” and “division” tiers of the formula, but which did not rank high enough to receive funding through the standard formula. Non-​​highway and tolling projects would not be eligible for this funding. 模仿 联邦运输债券在美国,这种融资理念起源于美国.C. 运输部,他们称这项努力为建设NC. 与Garvee债券一样, the state would repay Build NC bonds with future revenues to the state Highway Fund. Numerous stakeholders, including the League, spoke in support of the concept during Monday’s hearing. 阅读有关Build NC的更多背景信息 在二月. 9联赛公报. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

的成员 众议院临时委员会 周二投票通过了一项 全面验楼建议, despite numerous questions raised by stakeholders and committee members. 的 vote kept the proposal eligible for introduction in the upcoming legislative short-session, 定于5月16日开始, 尽管委员会联合主席 代表. 马克·布罗迪 called the package “a work in progress” and publicly pledged to continue refining it. 广泛的, the proposal sought to hold local inspections departments to strict timelines for conducting inspections, while also creating a new option for contractors to utilize a pool of state inspectors in lieu of local government inspectors. 的 proposal also contained increased inspections-related reporting requirements for local governments. 在会议上, the League offered comprehensive public comments that flagged issues of concern to cities, 与N连接.C. Association of County Commissioners, which also made extensive public comments. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

Is a lack of high-speed broadband creating headaches for existing businesses and damaging recruitment of new ones in your town? Are school students flocking to your public Wi-Fi hubs to do homework because of inadequate home connections? Are you examining potential cures to broadband gaps, no matter their breadth, in your community? 如果是这样的话, or if you just want to learn more about the fundamentals of community-led broadband, 不要错过我们即将举行的关于这个主题的网络研讨会. 加入NCLM立法顾问Erin Wynia于5月10日上午10点.m. 浏览“以社区为主导的宽频基础”网络研讨会. 艾琳将报道的亮点 365足彩下载的新宽带报告, including tips on how to bring broadband networks to your community and how broadband public-private partnerships are working in other areas. 其他主题将包括:关键术语, explanations of technology and the legal landscape in North Carolina. 提前登记. Instructions for joining the webinar will be included in your registration confirmation.​​

For more about Wynia's work on broadband access, including the report she co-authored, 听听她最近对N.C. 政策看. 宽带报告(见 astreid.com/broadband)继续得到媒体的报道,并在 新闻上发表的一篇文章 & 本周观察家 on how communites across the state are trying to bridge "the homework gap." 

​​It's already May, if you can believe it, ​and the League's first-ever 小镇 & 国宴马上就要开始了. 现在就注册,不然就太晚了, and make sure you've extended a warm invitation to your members of the General Assembly. 定于5月29日下午5点半至8点.m. 在罗利会议中心, this exclusive advocacy event provides municipal leaders and their legislators an intimate environment for networking and relationship-strengthening. Join us in celebrating state and local leaders who have worked so hard to advocate for communities across North Carolina. 与会者将听取政府的最新政策更新. Roy Cooper, House Speaker Tim Moore, Attorney General Josh Stein, and more.
而365足彩下载党正在邀请立法者, a personal invitation directly from their district's local leaders is valuable. 注册后, be sure to give your legislator a call and personally invite him or her to join you for dinner. 的 League is extending electronic and printed invitations to legislators directly. Legislators do not need to register; instead ,they can RSVP directly to 小镇&StateDinner@astreid.com.对于今年的立法短期会议,镇 & 国宴代替了市政厅日.

除了财产税和销售税, revenue from electricity sales tax is one of the largest sources of revenue for municipalities statewide. It is also one of the most difficult to forecast, and has varied widely in recent years. 在本周发布的一份备忘录中, League Research Strategist Caitlin Saunders takes a closer look at the underlying factors affecting electricity sales tax revenues and what might happen with those revenues in the future. All of the League’s revenue projections-related documents can be found on the NCLM website at http://cpdkff.astreid.com/financial-consulting/revenue-forecasts.

Nearly 50 North Carolina communities have earned Main Street America accreditation, reflecting their "exemplary commitment to preservation-based economic development and community revitalization through the Main Street Approach,美国商务部(state Department of Commerce)本周发布的新闻稿称. 的 字母顺序排列的列表 从阿尔伯马尔到威尔逊. "的 communities accredited today have worked with the (state's Main Street & Rural Planning) Center to establish practices that will fuel their efforts to bring jobs and development to their town,美国商务部长安东尼·科普兰说. 在2017财政年度, North Carolina Main Street programs generated $200 million in local public and private reinvestment, 协助319家净新企业开业, 因子2,000个净新增工作岗位, 导致259个建筑修复, 测量值接近140,000志愿小时, 根据国家规定. 

随着春天的天气开始显示出一点一致性, 我觉得是时候重播了 这是听众最喜欢的一集《365体育足彩》. We've all heard about the hard times that honeybees are going through and the huge implications for us all. 但是城市如何适应这一切呢? 的re's a surprising compatibility between cities and bees, and a role local governments can play. 你的城市是“蜜蜂之城”吗?? 让我们知道 怎么做,为什么要做,这样我们就可以在下一集讨论了. 市政方程 is the League's biweekly podcast about cities and towns adapting in the face of change. 在iTunes上订阅 (并留下友好的评论)或在 astreid.com/municipalequation. 发送反馈和情节的想法 主持人兼制片人本·布朗.