


发生了什么事?随着大会继续进行法案调整和投票, 州长否决了最近通过的预算, 将整个267页的计划重新提交立法法院.

这意味着什么?以绝对多数通过, 立法机关可以推翻这一否决, 将预算写入法律, 继续它的轨道走向休庭. 

在利用很明显,立法者们都急于尽快离开这个城市. 这可能意味着一个或多个巨大的, 会议结束时的综合法案, with various advocacy groups (the League probably included) trying to get a few final changes into law before adjournment. ​

星期四是提交账单的最后期限, so technically everything going forward will concern existing proposals and related amendments as the clock winds down (though there is no real deadline for the legislature to finish its short-session work).

在政府. 罗伊·库珀本周投了反对票 立法机关的23美元.90亿国家预算,参议院开始了推翻州长的行动,并将该计划纳入法律的程序. 州长库珀 周三,他掏出了否决的印章, arguing among other things that the state should invest more in education and that the budget should have received more open vetting. 立法预算编写者为他们的教育支出和程序进行了辩护. 根据多数党的席位计数, 大会有权推翻州长的任何否决. 周四,参议院举行了一场党派投票,朝这个方向迈进. 预计众议院将于下周初进行类似的投票,推翻该法案. 立法机关的预算是对前几年两年期支出计划的调整, 其中大部分内容将于7月1日生效, 正如在 美联社报道 在重写过程中. 请阅读上周的简报 有关城市和城镇的预算细节.

地方政府将有另一种工具来解决枯萎和清理空置的房产 一项法案 一致通过 参议院委员会 周四. A large workgroup of League members worked throughout the interim in cooperation with the NC REALTORS Association to bring forward the consensus proposal, 各城市感谢主要法案发起人 代表. 约翰Faircloth 来支持这项工作. 如果这项措施成为法律, cities and counties would be able to take advantage of a newly created process by which a superior court judge oversees improvements to vacant commercial, 工业, 以及住宅物业. Called “vacant building receivership” and modeled after similar programs elsewhere in the country, the process first requires the local government to undertake rigorous code enforcement actions under existing law. 如果这些执法行动不成功, then the local government may petition the court to appoint a receiver to take over management of the property and make improvements. 的 process respects private property rights by maintaining the original property ownership throughout the process and by giving owners multiple opportunities to comply with the law and improve their properties. 该提案是一项规模更大的以企业为导向的监管改革法案的一部分,目前已提交国会 参议院规则委员会 以供审议,目前定于周一举行. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

North Carolina can harness superfast internet speeds and spread broadband access across the state with good policy and partnerships, 立法者在周三的宽带午餐会上听取了意见 & 由365足彩下载和N主办的学习.C. 县专员协会. 演讲者包括埃里克·克莱默, RiverStreet Networks的总裁兼首席执行官, 艾伦·菲茨帕特里克, 开放宽带有限责任公司的首席执行官, updated lawmakers in attendance on the state of technology offered by private providers while highlighting the unnecessary shortcomings in broadband access in many parts of the state today. 菲茨帕特里克说:“你可能会感到惊讶,但在教堂山以外10英里的地方,人们都在使用DSL。. “他们在抱怨。.演讲者们附和道 最近的一份365足彩下载报告 建议建立公私合作伙伴关系,为没有宽带的社区带来宽带速度. “每个人都, 即使在这些农村市场, 需要这些速度," Fitzpatrick emphasized, 说到千兆连接,它正日益成为标准 不仅适用于企业,也适用于家庭. 克莱默, 谈论他的公司在斯托克斯县的工作, said they could have saved three years of work time had they been able to tap into the county's fiber assets, 比如公私伙伴关系会带来什么. 克莱默说,这“是解决这个问题的方法”. 上周简报 reported on a provision in the state budget that recognizes the need for better broadband access in North Carolina, though the League will continue to push for clear authority regarding the kind of government-private sector partnerships that can close North Carolina's digital divide and create 21st century avenues to prosperity.

A $147 million grant for infrastructure projects in North Carolina is set to provide 300 miles of fiber optic cable in the eastern part of the state, 为该地区提供宽带服务和更好的电信服务 . 这笔资金于周二宣布,将通过美国财政部提供.S. Department of Transportation largely for the widening of up to 25 miles of highway along I-95 and upgrading the remainders of U.S. 70号州际公路改为I-42号. 森. 理查德·伯尔 新闻稿 强调了该项目对交通流量的重要性, 紧急准备和进入军事基地. 在这个过程中,他说, “这项工作和开发将有助于促进当地社区的经济增长.“森. Thom Tillis called it "great news that will produce long-lasting benefits in Eastern North Carolina.“政府. 罗伊•库珀 赞扬了这一声明 也. “更好的交通和通信网络将改善北卡罗来纳人的就业机会, 教育机会和保健, 让我们的军队和企业更容易进入我们的基地和港口,他说. 

在其他交通新闻中, HB 1010 Build NC Bond Act 是否通过了州议会. 该法案将授权发行州“建设NC”运输债券. 该提案是仿照联邦政府的 GARVEE债券计划 and would allow the state to borrow money for local transportation priorities and repay the bonds using future state transportation dollars allocated to the Highway Trust Fund. Build NC bond proceeds would fund transportation projects prioritized at the regional and division levels of the state’s 交通资助制度​. 这些项目是由当地官员提出的, 谁在决定这些项目的优先次序方面也有最多的投入. 包括借款限制,包括3亿美元的总体计划上限.​
还有其他的网络新闻, the legislature is moving on 一项法案 that would establish statewide policy for telemedicine as it gains importance for people who lack easy access to a hospital. HB 967远程医疗政策 would set standards and assistance for the service -- which allows health care professionals to serve patients from long distances by way of a remote connection -- following recommedations from the N.C. 卫生与公众服务部. 该法案指示该部门研究这一问题,并向立法机关报告调查结果, with considerations including the "best manner in which to incentivize investment in next-generation, future-proof broadband infrastructure and reduce barriers to deployment of that infrastructure" and how to create "community-based broadband adoption, 利用, 和计划." 《365体育足彩》有更多报道 账单的一部分. 

的 General Assembly this week gave its approval to a local bill that would provide four Mecklenburg County municipalities with the authority to operate charter schools. HB 514 周三,该法案在众议院以64票对53票通过,此前该法案在参议院获得通过. 的 approval followed the inclusion of a provision in the state budget that would allow municipalities statewide to fund public education after constitutional concerns were raised regarding the ability of the municipalities to commit tax dollars to any charter schools without it. 的 League and several other organizations have expressed concerns about the lack of vetting of the statewide provision. 查看更多关于当地法案通过的报道 在这里.

10个地方政府获得了7美元的奖励.本周将拨款500万美元用于经济和社区发展. N.C. 社区振兴计划(NC communities)分配了这笔资金, 来自社区发展整体拨款(CDBG)计划. “北卡罗来纳州社区补助金帮助社区克服阻碍他们前进的挑战, 无论是修复长期空置的房屋,还是改善基础设施和道路,” N.C. 美国商务部部长安东尼. 科普兰在新闻发布会上说. “的se projects will bring new energy and resources to communities across our state that need them most.2017年,该州收到了大约4300万美元的CDBG资金, 其中1000万美元通过北卡社区项目提供给地方政府. 的 新闻稿列出了最新的收件人 并提供了有关NC社区的更多细节.

北卡罗来纳人可以向联合国提交评论.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) on which regional and local transportation projects should be among the state's priorities. 是为了国家交通改善计划, 或站下车, 为特定项目提供资金和进度安排的十年计划. 根据… 新闻发布会上​, NCDOT's local divisions are hosting informal meetings to discuss proposed projects and record residents' feedback. 在每次会议上, citizens are invited to stop in and provide input on how the division plans to rank its project priorities,该机构表示. “请注意,这些会议不是为了维护项目, 比如修补坑洼, 重铺路面或改善沟渠.“NCDOT的网站上有一个 完整的计划 公开会议. 对于无法亲自出席的人, 国家将在网上接受意见和调查输入. NCDOT提供 video that local governments can embed on their websites or share on social media to encourage public interest.