


发生了什么:州长的办公桌上没有悬而未决的账单, and the state legislature formally closed things down (save for interim committee meetings) until Sept. 2. 但国会仍然存在,这值得你关注.   

WHAT IT MEANS: The need for aid to state and local governments from Capitol Hill is an intensifying focus as 新型冠状病毒肺炎 harms the sources of revenue that support important daily services for our communities. 主要新闻来源都在报道 包括华盛顿邮报, 哪个和北卡罗来纳有联系, 采访了NCLM,并发表了格林斯博罗市长南希·沃恩的讲话. 

ON TAP: Keep the communication up with your members of Congress on this very crucial need. 现在是时候了. 我们可能会收到美国政府的通知.S. Senate next week on its plans; urge senators to include direct appropriations to cities and 城镇.

THE SKINNY:我们不知道新型冠状病毒肺炎的未来,但我们知道什么是危险的. 我们看到了. 看看这个简短的视频, 哪个能简洁地解释这个问题, 请在你自己的社交媒体渠道上分享,让更多的公众意识到这一点. 关于这个主题的更多内容将在本公报中介绍. 

政府. Roy Cooper has announced that he will not extend the utility shutoff prohibition created by Executive Order 124. 该命令“将于本月底到期”,州长在周五给公用事业供应商的一封信中说, "but I want to stress that the section of the Order pertaining to repayment plans of at least six months will remain in place. 我鼓励你去接触你的客户,而不仅仅是制定这些计划, but to also connect them with any available relief that can help them avoid utility disconnections." 

政府ernor Cooper in the letter thanked providers for "doing your part to help struggling residents of North Carolina. 作为公用事业服务提供商, your willingness to work with customers to ease the impact of this pandemic is critical.这一决定是在一些市政用水被削减的时候做出的, sewer and electricity utilities faced substantial financial problems as large numbers of customers had stopped paying bills while those utilities faced fixed costs that had to be paid. 阅读全文.

"North Carolina's cities and 城镇 are a lot like the foundation of a building," begins 一个快速和易于理解的视频 on why the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 pandemic has been the challenge of a lifetime for cities and 城镇, 北卡罗来纳州80%的工作都在那里. “Foundation” is more than an analogy -- municipalities invest in and maintain infrastructure and services that create the underpinnings for local economic success, 创造就业机会的企业从创造的东西中建立起来. "Right now, that economic success story is being threatened by the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 pandemic." 请观看并分享这个简短但重要的视频, 敦促国会采取行动, on your own social media platforms and keep the dialogue going toward relief measures. 这个视频, as well as other action on the federal revenue replacement front that you can read about below, is a part of the League’s continuing campaign to garner support for congressional action to address revenue shortfalls and other municipal needs created by the pandemic. 

北卡罗来纳州的市政府急需直接援助, federal assistance to protect local economies and jobs from the effects of the covid-19 pandemic. 没有帮助填补巨大和不可预见的收入损失, 经济复苏将更加缓慢, 许多地方政府的工作岗位和服务将会消失, 公用事业系统将处于危险之中, 有利于商界的资本项目将被搁置.

预测 在这份备忘录中由共青团工作人员编写的,是通过各种渠道发展起来的, 包括来自北卡罗来纳州的数据, 来自市政当局的自我报告数据, 国民经济预测, 以及行业团体信息. 一直以来都采用了保守估计. 这些估计数只包括日历年的剩余时间. 在2008年经济衰退之后, 销售税收入花了将近六年的时间才恢复到衰退前的水平. 如果N.C. 回归更严格的居家令, 否则,疫情的经济影响将恶化或持续到2021年, 市政当局将需要更多的钱来抵消随之而来的收入损失.​


Oxford Mayor Jackie Sergent is featured this week as a guest opinion columnist on WRAL TechWire 撰写支持当地商业场景的重要性 因为新型冠状病毒肺炎摧毁了活动. “Small business owners and their workers have taken the brunt of the economic hit so far, and locally elected officials know that the financial health of those businesses is vital to the future of our communities across the state,瑟金特写道, 他补充说,“更广泛的经济影响也在打击地方政府. 当经济活动受到影响时, 城市的税收也是如此, 城镇, 各县都依赖于为居民提供服务. 除了税收收入, unemployed residents cannot pay fees that help fund operations across local government.她指出,这是一个严重而紧迫的问题. 此外,牛津大学, 对许多其他城镇也是如此, 供水和下水道部门的拖欠率正在上升. 读中士的想法 on the situation and her call to action of working together for the best possible outcomes.


本周的《365足彩下载》 发表了一篇文章 着陆点遍布美国.S. 对地方政府来说,什么是利害攸关的,需要弄清楚, 冠状病毒的直接援助削弱了至关重要的支持来源, 日常, 我们社区的地方管理服务. 市和州的领导人已经指出了关闭的店面, 购物和旅游业急剧下滑, and steep drop-offs in tax revenue that have come as a result of their efforts to arrest the spread of the coronavirus,这篇文章在研究北卡罗来纳州的地面情况之前这样写道. The Post notes that the existing allotment filtered through the state for cities and 城镇 hasn’t adequately moved the needle. 格林斯博罗市长和N.C. Metropolitan Mayors Coalition Chair Nancy Vaughan told the post her city is “incurring significant expenses” without a clear picture of help to come. 阅读全文 剖析国会为此所做的努力, and please take the time to communicate the need with your congressional delegates. 

As many areas of North Carolina continue to struggle with Internet access issues made more critical by the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 pandemic, Charter Communications has been reaching out to municipalities in some parts of the country seeking their help in gaining relief from conditions that were a part of the Federal Communications Commission approval of Charter’s merger with Time Warner Cable. 与缅因州市政当局保持联系, the telecommunications giant is asking that letters of support be sent to the FCC so that provisions related to data caps and charges to streaming services can expire early. These requests come as Charter has continued to oppose passage of legislation in North Carolina that would better enable municipalities to enter into public-private partnerships with internet service providers to improve internet access. Lobbyists for Time Warner Cable also wrote key provisions of the 2011 Level the Playing Field Act that severely restricted municipalities in their efforts to provide better broadband in their communities. 与此同时, 本月初, telecommunications industry lobbyist Marcus Trathen sent a letter of objection to the Local 政府ernment Commission as the Town of Wake Forest sought approval of debt to construct a fiber network for town uses. Please keep the League informed should you receive communication from Charter seeking their assistance with their FCC request. 

也, 本周早些时候, 地方自力更生社区宽带网络研究所, 它在宽带接入问题上与365足彩下载密切合作, 发布 这个视频 emphasizing the critical need for local control when it comes to broadband access and networks. 欢迎在你的社交媒体平台上分享这个视频.