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发生了什么:新型冠状病毒肺炎病例攀升至惊人的新水平, with yet another record-breaking single-day tally of new cases in North Carolina – nearly 4,300. 截至周四,全州共有325158例病例. 周五,住院人数创下了1571人的新纪录. 过去24小时内有43人死于冠状病毒, WRAL刚刚报道.

WHAT IT MEANS: For contrast, the single-day record breaker on Nov. 11点刚刚超过3100点. 超过1260人住院治疗. 正在进行新的努力来改变这一进程, and the League's Board of Directors has discussed actions for the community level.

ON TAP: 的 state this week announced a new tool that may help local leaders better understand what’s on the ground in their areas and see where the highest case numbers are, 州政府建议进行反击. 它叫做 新型冠状病毒肺炎县警报系统 我们将在本期简报中解释它是如何工作的.

THE SKINNY: We also report on legislative leadership and the ever-important municipal experience in the chambers headed into the new biennium. But it’s so vital to recognize where we are in this pandemic and to 遵循专家的建议和资源来稳定局势. 的 quicker we do, the better off our communities – livelihoods, families, economies – will be.  

​North Carolina had 317,495 新型冠状病毒肺炎 cases and nearly 5,000 deaths recorded by Tuesday as Gov. Roy Cooper and Department of 健康 and Human Services (DHHS) Secretary Mandy Cohen announced a new county alert system to help pinpoint where the highest numbers are and make recommendations to change the trajectory. “We are seeing more people need hospital care than ever before,” Cohen reported at a 公布新工具的公开简报. 的 新型冠状病毒肺炎县警报系统 “will help give local leaders another tool to understand how their county is faring and to make decisions about actions to slow viral spread,” a 新闻稿 解释. “地图将每四周更新一次.”

On Thursday, the state announced the highest single-day increase of positive tests: 4,296. “的 record-high day follows several days of increasing trends in new cases, 测试呈阳性的百分比和住院率,国土安全部在一份声明中说. 库珀州长说, “By pinpointing counties with high virus transmission and asking everyone in those counties to work with us and do more right now to slow the spread of the virus, 我们能成功.”

警报系统, 可视化为北卡罗来纳州各县的地图, uses three tiers to portray severity – yellow (significant community spread), 橙色(大量社区传播), 红色(临界社区传播).

国土安全部也提供 慢covid曝光通知应用程序, which can notify users if they’ve been in close contact with someone who has reported a positive coronavirus test result to the app.

罗利新闻 & 观察者 有进一步的覆盖面.


相关新闻, the League's Board of Directors 见过 this week to discuss how cities and towns can help keep their communities safe and healthy and also prevent sweeping closures to businesses. Local government is uniquely qualified to take a proactive role encouraging their residents to follow public health guidelines to slow the spread, 最终是什么让企业保持开放,让经济保持运转. 的 League's staff is compiling outreach resources and data to help members share these important public health and safety messages locally. Be on the lookout for a message sharing those materials early next week.

​房子 Speaker Tim Moore and 参议院 leader Phil Berger are set to continue in their chamber leadership roles in the new biennium. 代表的消息. Moore broke this week as the 房子 代表ublican caucus held elections for the top posts. 代表. 这将是摩尔的第四届议长任期. 根据 代表. 摩尔的新闻稿 关于提名, that would tie the state record for most; the only previous 房子 speaker with four terms in the role was 代表. 利斯顿B. 拉姆齐(1981 - 1989). 的 chamber will formally vote on the speaker role when the session begins in January.

Also continuing in their roles, per the caucus elections this week, are 代表s. 萨拉·史蒂文斯(临时发言人), 约翰·贝尔(多数党领袖), 布伦丹·琼斯(多数党副领袖). 代表. 约翰·绍卡将担任会议主席. 乔恩·哈迪斯特(Jon Hardister)将担任多数党党鞭. 帕特·赫尔利将担任联席会议主席.

Roughly 20 percent of the incoming General Assembly membership for the next biennium will have municipal experience to call upon in their legislating. 其中包括市长, 委员会成员, 规划委员之类的人, 其中26人在众议院,9人在参议院. 新的或回归立法机构,他们是:


区5, 森. 唐·戴维斯, 雪山市长

区6, 森. 迈克尔·兰杰克逊维尔临时市长(见图)

区19日 森. 柯克deViere费耶特维尔市议员

区22号 森. 高管迈克Woodard达勒姆市议员

区23日 森. 瓦莱丽Foushee教堂山警察局

区26日 森. 菲尔·伯杰 律师,Mayodan

区44岁 森. 泰德亚历山大市长,谢尔比

地区47岁 森. 拉尔夫Hise市长,云杉松

区49岁 森. 朱莉·梅菲尔德阿什维尔市议员


区8, 代表. Kandie史密斯, 格林维尔市市长兼市议员

区9日 代表. 布莱恩·法卡斯,格林维尔综合规划委员会

区12日 代表. 克里斯-汉弗莱,理事会成员,格兰奇

区13日 代表. 帕特McElraft我是翡翠岛的专员

区26日 代表. 唐娜白色, 克莱顿规划委员会,调整委员会

区27日 代表. 迈克尔·雷局长,加斯顿

区28日 代表. 拉里·斯特里克兰我是松级专员

地区29日 代表. Vernetta阿尔斯通达勒姆市议员

区27日 代表. 艾琳削减霍利斯普林斯调整委员会

区41岁 代表. 盖尔·阿德科克临时市长加里(图示)

区42岁 代表. 马文·卢卡斯,春湖市市长,市议员

区49岁 代表. 罗利服务委员会的辛西娅·鲍尔

区61年 代表. 约翰•Faircloth Council Member, High Point, Chief of Police, High Point/Salisbury

区71年 代表. 伊芙琳·特里温斯顿-塞勒姆市议员

区73年 代表. 李扎卡里市长,专员,亚德金维尔

区74年 代表. 杰夫曾刘易斯维尔市议员

区79年 代表. 茱莉亚•霍华德我是莫克斯维尔长官

区89年 代表. 米切尔Setzer设计,市长,专员,卡托巴

区92年 代表. 特里·布朗夏洛特调整委员会

区93年 代表. 雷皮科特, 理事会成员,吹石

区94年 代表. 杰弗里·爱尔摩我是北威尔克斯伯勒的专员

区98 代表. 约翰·布拉德福德理事科尼利厄斯

区99年 代表. Nasif马吉德理事会成员,夏洛特

区100年 代表. 约翰Autry理事会成员,夏洛特

区107年 代表. 凯利亚历山大夏洛特-梅克伦堡计划委员会

区119年 代表. 迈克Clampitt,消防员,夏洛特

的 General Assembly has an official Municipal Caucus, formed in 2015. “的 mission of the (Municipal) Caucus is to create an opportunity and open environment for legislators who are former mayors, 市议会代表, attorneys or employees to offer education about the state-city partnership, and to share information and ideas about legislation that will impact city government,求职信中写道. “Active participation by caucus members will bring greater awareness to the decisions made at the state level and how they will practically affect services to citizens at the city level.”

南方城市过去的报道: Municipal Caucus: 的 Lawmakers Bringing City Government Experience to the General Assembly

国家水利基础设施管理局(SWIA) 见过 周三 批准的标准 to identify distressed water and wastewater systems; their approval followed the Local Government Commission (LGC) taking the same action the week prior.. 会期法2020-79 created the Viable Utility Reserve (VUR) fund – a new grant program to support financially struggling public water and wastewater systems by facilitating viable operations and encouraging regionalization – and tasked the LGC and SWIA with developing criteria together to identify utilities that are in distress

的 VUR fund received $9 million in non-recurring state funds in 2020, 在最近的SWIA和LGC会议上也是如此 确定了四个实用程序 将VUR拨款拨给这些公用事业公司. 会期法2020-79 was the result of a yearlong legislative study and stakeholder process that focused on the more than 全州需要170亿美元的水和下水道基础设施.